Traditionally, a mantra is a word, phrase or sound like "Peace," "I am open to receive" or "Om" that you repeat during meditation. It helps center you and clear out the brain clutter so you can connect with that still, small, wise voice and access your inner wisdom.
Lately I’ve been using mantras like mini-affirmations to remind me of what I know to be true. When everything seems to be going my way–like connecting with just the right people at just the right time–I say to myself and sometimes to others, "I live a charmed life."
If I wake in the morning with a little anxiety caused by too many demands on my time, I remind myself that "All is well." Before I pick up the phone or begin a meeting, I say, "Expect the best." On my way to give a presentation, I repeat, "I love to speak and share Divine Wisdom."
A friend shared with me that when she is in doubt or fear competing for new business or on the tennis court, her mantra is "Why not me?"
Do you have a mantra that helps you work and live at your best?
Sometime ago I read a quote which I paraphrase: “If our only prayer was ‘Thank you’ it would be enough.”
And so, my mantra has become “Thank you!” It never fails to center me, refresh me and express what my words so often cannot.
I love Divine Wisdom!
Hi Tricia, great article! My favorite manta comes from 12 step programs: “Let go and let God.” When things get too crazy, too overwhelming, too scary, or too hard, this mantra helps me to realize that I don’t have to do it alone.
My new mantra comes in two phases. As I breathe in I say Loving and as I breathe out I say kindness.
I love mantras! I always remind myself to breathe so the word is ‘breathe.’
Whenever I sense myself getting caught up in sadness, anger, fear or anxiety I find sanctuary in this truth:
“Perfect Love casts out fear.”
It is from 1John 4:18, one of the short letters found waaaay in the back of the bible.
In fact, there is much in all of chapter 4 that inspires me; but, in a pinch, it all boils down to those 5 words!