Reach Your Goals by Remembering to Ask, Listen and Trust

Last month, I was in my hometown of New York City, visiting family and friends and playing in the snow in Central Park.

Spending time in nature always makes me reflect. So does spending time with dear friends, like my high school buddy and fellow cheerleader Jeannette. Do you have a high school buddy that you still keep in touch with?


There’s something special about someone who knows you so well and was there as you embarked on adult life, with all your aspirations and fears. Though we’ve gone in different directions over the last 40 years, we have always cheered each other on at every phase of our lives. We both have great husbands and two cool kids. I pursued my dream to be a teacher and writer by becoming a speaker and author. Always known for looking her best, Jeannette is a licensed cosmetologist who volunteers at hospitals where she offers makeup advice to cancer patients.

As you reflect on your current goals–maybe some you’ve had since high school–I encourage you to consider that internal cheerleader, the infinite intelligence of the universe, that is always there to support you.

All we have to do is:

      • Ask. Pose a question before meditation, during a quiet walk or just before you fall asleep. It could be as simple as, “What do I need to know or do right now?”
      • Listen. Your guidance could come as a still, small voice in your head, disguised as a friend’s comment, a synchronicity or coincidence, or perhaps an image. When I was writing “Working with Wisdom” in 2005,  I fell into the trap of many new authors. I began to doubt myself. I remember thinking, “Who am I to write this book? Would anyone–besides my immediate family and friends–actually buy it? Could it really be the catalyst for a whole new speaking and mentoring career?” The universe heard my questions and I began to see this image in my head of a waiting room full of people. Each one was looking up at me and tapping their feet, shrugging their shoulders and pointing to their watches. “What is this?” I wondered. The message was clear: “Get your fear and ego out of the way, Tricia. People are waiting for your book.” Once I got over the hump, completed my book and sent it to the printer, the image changed. I saw those same people in the same waiting room but this time they were flipping through my book and smiling and nodding and a few were even giving me the “thumbs up.” I smiled, too. That’s how the universe might speak to you.
      • Trust. We live in a world of instant gratification. Don’t give up just because the guidance doesn’t come immediately. It often takes time. Be patient and be flexible. The message you receive may not be what you expected but it may be just what you needed. When we let go of the details and the illusion of control, when we release our own expectations, that’s when miracles happen. This or something better. And so it is.


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