Are You Making Room for Your Dreams?

Last month, I spoke to many business groups about the CRAVE formula. Although each step is powerful, it seems like the Clean Out the Clutter one gets the most response from my audiences–whether its an entrepreneurial group like the National Association of Professional Organizers or executives at The Home Depot. There are many "aha’s!" as I remind them that clutter distracts and confuses us, drains our energy and gets in the way of what’s most important. And it goes way beyond physical clutter, to technical and emotional clutter–the what ifs, resentments, regrets, unnecessary obligations, toxic people, etc.

As I clean up my office at the end of this wek and prepare for the new week, I realize that it takes more than clearing the clutter, it’s also about creating conscious space for the good to come. So, I’ve added a few more folders to my file cabinet, ones with labels like "Oprah Requests," "Cruise Engagements" and "Spa Clients." It feels good.

What files can you label to create the space for it to manifest: ideal clients, travel plans, professional development opportunities? Get out your label maker and claim those files. They won’t be empty for long.

1 thought on “Are You Making Room for Your Dreams?

  1. Elizabeth Gordon Reply

    Dear Tricia, I couldn’t agree more about the power of clearing the clutter. Here’s my most recent story about the power of this step in the CRAVE process. I big table I had been using for “this, that and the other thing” in my office, had turned into a big ugly mess. Finally bit the bullet and organized. I put everything in its place and left the table completely empty. When my employees came in to work the next day, I told them, we are going to leave this table clear to provide room for my book to be created. A few days later a publisher emailed me, a week later a contract was in the mail for me to write my first non-fiction business book for women. The truth is that everything you want is already yours you just have to claim it as your own and give it space to come into your life.
    Thanks for your continued divine wisdom reminders!

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