What’s Your One Word? Set Your Intention for 2018!

As you consider your resolutions for the New Year, stop a moment and reflect on your intention. What’s the one word that crystallizes your intent for 2018?

“Stop living as if life is a rehearsal,” the late Wayne Dyer cautioned us. “Our intention creates our reality.”


So, how do you set your intention and then what do you do with it?

First, even before you consider what you want to do, have or be in the New Year, decide how you want to feel. Is there a challenge you want to overcome or goal you want to achieve that will require a specific attitude or mindset? You may also find that some of your goals will change when you set your intention.

Second, consider some of these intentions or come up with your own:

  • Balanced
  • Energized
  • Peaceful
  • Purposeful
  • Compassionate
  • Joyful
  • Prosperous
  • Healthy
  • Grateful
  • Reflective
  • Mindful
  • Curious
  • Generous
  • Aware


Next, craft an affirmation that gives your intention power. It could be as simple as, “I am …” or “Today, I choose to be …” Write it down and post it where you will see it every day. On your bathroom mirror, the dashboard of your car or by your computer screen. Make it the screenshot on your phone. You will naturally make more conscious choices that align with your intention. 

Finally, say your intention to yourself, out loud and, when appropriate, share it with others. Encourage them to choose and use their own intention.  When faced with opportunities and challenges in 2018, refer to your intention for guidance. Ask, “Does this choice align with my intention?”

I’d love for you to share your one-word intention below. Here’s to an intentional, sensational New Year!


Need more inspiration? Right now, you can download here my Working with Wisdom ebook and audio book package for just $9.95!  You’ll learn 10 powerful strategies to help you live your best life, intentionally.

4 thoughts on “What’s Your One Word? Set Your Intention for 2018!

  1. James Barrett Reply

    In 2018 I intend to be more grateful for all that I have and all that is coming my way.

  2. Lauren Rothman Reply

    My intention for 2018, as well as my life’s purpose is to be “willing.”

    I am willing.

    I am willing to fail, to succeed, to grow, to be vulnerable, to stand for others’ greatness, to risk, to love, to leave, to not look good…

    I am WILLING.

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