Better Balance Begins . . .
Something to think about. Do you agree?
Do you struggle with work-life balance because you’re a workaholic? According to this Harvard Business Review article, How Being a Workaholic Differs from Working Long Hours–And Why That Matters …
Remember those New Year’s resolutions or 2017 goals you committed to just a few weeks ago? If you’re like most of us mere mortals, the busyness of returning to work and …
My recent newsletter, “Time to Unplug?,” struck a chord with many of you who are searching for a balance between being connected and taking much-needed breaks. …
I like to take pictures, especially close-up flower shots like these from my garden. I take a lot of these. I never quite knew what my fascination was about …
“The architecture of how we live our lives is badly in need of renovation and repair. What we really value is out of sync with how we live our …